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Roosevelt's New Deal program

Roosevelt' s New Deal program is all kinds of policies he published after !933' s election, they are Relief, Recovery and Reform. New deal to increase the government's direct or indirect intervention of the economy, easing the economic crisis brought about by the great depression and social contradictions. Congress enacted the emergency Banking Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Social Security Act and other bills.

Works Progress Authority

The provisions of the "National Labor Relations Act": the unfair treatment of workers for illegal behavior, the right of workers to organize, the employer shall not interfere with control of labor organization, and shall not refuse workers collective bargaining contract.

In 1938, Congress passed a minimum wage and maximum working hours of the legislative provisions, work 40 hours a week, seven years after the hourly wage of not less than 40 cents.

The reduction of farmland, narrowing the existing cultivated area, and in the processing of tax increase of flour and cotton mills and slaughter plants and other agricultural products processing enterprises, to reduce economic losses of farmers farming subsidies.

Through the public works and protection of natural resources act, in 1933 the establishment of the civil resources protection team, the organization of young men aged 25 to 18 years old trees, build dams, put out forest fires, planting protection forest. Each group of 250 thousand people each year.

Established in 1933 Tennessee Engineering Management Bureau to become permanent institutions of the federal government, the project built many dams and power plants, not only the 300 million acres of farmland from floods, and the average income of 350 million local residents increased 9 times.

From 1935 to 1942, for the coordination of the whole project and the establishment of "the progress of the project department has spent about $about 13000000000, employs about 8 million 500 thousand workers. 122 thousand built public buildings, 664 thousand 77 thousand miles of new roads, bridges, 285 new airports and 24 thousand miles underground waterway.

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